D of E Silver & Gold Practice Expeditions
What a busy few weeks the D of E Teams have had. Sorting kit, completing training and taking part in their practice expeditions. Four...

Explorers London Trip
The Explorers were joined by a number of other members from other Units across the District to enjoy a four-day trip to London. Lots and...

Team Building
The Scouts and Explorers have completed a number of nights this term covering team building and working together. It has given the Scouts...

Beavers Tower Challenge
Activity 1: Attacking the Tower challenge. Result 1-1 Each team set about building a tower at the end of each room using strong cardboard...

Cubs Navigation Night at Burbage Common
All Cubs learned a little more about navigation searching for food , water and Santa!. Thanks to Parents Svitlana and Andy who stayed to...

Beaver Badge Work
We started the night with a communication activity, the beavers had to use their verbal communication and teamwork skills to sort...

Beavers Archery Lessons
This evening we’ve made the most of a lovely evening and introduced the newer beavers to archery outside. We’ve showed them how to use...

Cubs Hockey Winners
Great effort by the Cubs Hockey team. Everyone played competitively but fairly, and there was a fantastic team spirit. Despite some stiff...