A Message From The Leadership Team
To all Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Explorers,
I hope that you and all your family are all in good health and listening to the advice given by the experts.
These unprecedented times that we face, there will undoubtedly be some stressful times up ahead felt more so by your parents. They will be worried about you, your siblings, elderly parents and other family members.
Please respect what they ask you to do, no doubt it will be for your benefit and safety, be aware of the enormous stress that they may find themselves under, especially if restrictions continue.
Help where you can, those skills you learnt not so long ago put them to good use.
Take the initiative! If your parents are struggling, ask them how you can help!
Remember the Scout Law
A Scout is to be trusted. A Scout is loyal. A Scout is friendly and considerate. A Scout belongs to the world-wide family of Scouts.
Help each other out! If you are going shopping see if anyone needs anything, they may not be able to get to the shops and may be desperate.
I will be sending out some tasks for you to do over the next few weeks, to continue your badge work. And to keep you busy. Also if you visit https://www.scouts.org.uk/ you will find activities under “The great indoors”.
If you do any activities, or help anyone then please get them on the Facebook page we would all love to see them, you never know it may go towards a badge.
If anybody needs anything, and I can help then let us know.
The Leadership Team