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Beavers Tower Challenge

Activity 1: Attacking the Tower challenge. Result 1-1

Each team set about building a tower at the end of each room using strong cardboard rolls, they were set the task of keeping the base to approx rolls, and then the other team threw a bean bag each to try and knock the tower down. The winning team was the team who caused the most damage.

We discussed how a strong tower could block and prevent the bean bags, but ultimately the main way to win was with accurate aiming of the bean bags.

Activity 2: Blind box team challenge

10 items were put inside a closed box. Some of the Beavers knew what to expect and didn’t really want to stick their hands inside, after letting them know there was no nasty surprises inside each team went up individually in turn and came back to the leaders to whisper what item they had identified by feel. We discussed items already found.

One team got 8/10, and the other got 9/10 items!

Activity 3: Blind taste testing.

Next the Beavers all sat down in a line with a blindfold on, and they were given little snack/treat items to try (allergens etc carefully accounted for).

All the beavers identified all the snacks.

Everyone had a great time and we really enjoyed tonight’s session. Well done everyone!



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